Offshore Staffing

  • 5+ Years Experience in Design, Programming
    Marketing & Data Entry
  • Dedicated employment from $600 /month
  • Flexible month to month employment
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Information Technology Staffing
  • 5+ Years Experience in Design
    Programming, Marketing & Data Entry
  • Dedicated employment from
    $600 /month
  • Flexible month to month
Offshore Application Development India
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Solutions Architecting
  • Development using PHP or .NET
Data Entry Service
  • Order Processing
  • Typing Tasks
  • Data Mining
Offshore Company Facility
  • 4000 square feet
  • 60+ member development team and growing!
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Web Design

Web Design Skills

Web Design Company India Our talented web design team has all the tools you need to usher your site into the modern era! Work with the TechWyse team and enjoy working personally with our qualified web designers achieving exactly the look required for your design needs. Each designer is flexible and able to perform a variety of imperative skills such as:
  • Creative design
  • HTML coding
  • CSS stylesheets
  • JavaScript
  • Flash
  • Image work such as optimization, sizing and creation
  • Graphic design
  • Building unique websites from your descriptions
  • Layout construction and more!

Industry Standard Softwares

When you team with TechWyse International we guarantee you will be thrilled with the quality of work provided. Our dedicated staff is able to achieve these results not only because they have up to date qualifications, but also their continuing expertise with industry standard software such as:
  • Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop
  • Flash
  • Opera, Safari, Mozilla and Internet Explorer (browsers)

Accessible Communication

Our staff is happy to make themselves available to you through a variety of different avenues. Enjoy easy access to updates on your account through:
  • Simple, fluent and friendly phone conversations
  • Instant messenger services
  • Accessible email
The staff at TechWyse International believes having a communicable relationship is vital to our partnership and allowing you too succeed on the global scale!!!!!!

Developer Pricing

With the TechWyse Offshore staffing model we like to keep things simple. You tell us your requirements, (project work, years of development experience necessary etc.) and we will match up with a carefully selected developer from our existing talent pool.

Prices for a developer with 2+ years of web design experience start from $600 per month.

Rise to the Top

TechWyse International stands alone as the quintessential web development company ever growing world of Internet Marketing. Don’t let your business suffer anymore from poor web design, contact TechWyse International today. Prepare yourself to Rise to the top!

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