Offshore Staffing

  • 5+ Years Experience in Design, Programming
    Marketing & Data Entry
  • Dedicated employment from $600 /month
  • Flexible month to month employment
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Information Technology Staffing
  • 5+ Years Experience in Design
    Programming, Marketing & Data Entry
  • Dedicated employment from
    $600 /month
  • Flexible month to month
Offshore Application Development India
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Solutions Architecting
  • Development using PHP or .NET
Data Entry Service
  • Order Processing
  • Typing Tasks
  • Data Mining
Offshore Company Facility
  • 4000 square feet
  • 60+ member development team and growing!
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Our Facility

Many clients are quick to express concerns on job environments associated with offshore companies. At TechWyse International we share our clients concern and ensure our workers are provided with the best possible environment. That's why at TechWyse International we are proud to offer a 'state of the art' working environment to all of our employees.

We happily provide our staff with all the amenities synonymous with the Western workforce. Competitive market wages, benefits, sick leave and vacation pay all contribute to setting TechWyse International as the finest in offshore facilities. Our facility offers exceptional features including
  • Over 4000 square ft. facilities
  • 100+ web development workstations
  • 100+ qualified web developers and managers
  • Latest in web development technology including latest software, computers, web access etc…
  • Integrated environment, promoting teamwork
  • Top of the line office designs, displaying the aesthetically smooth TechWyse style
At TechWyse International we exhibit that little extra that convincingly holds us high above the competition.

Reach out today and capitalize on the talent developing across the globe. Our employees are extremely talented and are excited to develop established companies. Can you just imagine the possibilities with TechWyse?

Our dedicated team provides you with the flexibility and peace of mind to outsource your projects to a comprehensive and qualitative business. When it all adds up, TechWyse International exhibits the capabilities to build tomorrow’s web projects today!

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